Programming Overview

Working through the impulse of our mission to empower our diverse community to lead healthy, successful lives through focused resources, inclusive activities, and a vibrant supportive network serving Findlay and the surrounding communities, LGBTQ+ Spectrum of Findlay has made great strides to expand our programming.  We are proud to say that not only do we organize Findlay Pride in June, but we offer opportunities for our community to connect, engage and feel empowered throughout the year. Our most up-to-date events schedule can be found on our website and social media pages, if you would like to be added to a mailing list for a particular program please use the contact tab to reach out to us, we would love to hear from you! If you have a great idea for a new support, social, sport, or educational program we would also love to hear from you!

  • 2200+ attendees at Findlay Pride
  • 50+ peer and social support groups a year
  • 200+ family and youth served
  • 200% growth in community engagement since 2019


Findlay and the surrounding villages have a vibrant and growing LGBTQ+ population that can face unwarranted marginalization within their own community. Our groups programming allows individuals to come together and learn from group facilitators and other group members, as well as share stories, experiences and advice. We hope that in any LGBTQ+ Spectrum of Findlay group that everyone knows that they have a voice, they are always welcome, and that they are never alone. Current Groups: Youth, Parents & Ally, Adult (see events for dates and times)


Through our work in the community and listening to the needs of the individuals we serve it became clear that there was a deep need in the local area for development of inclusive spaces and social events. This impulse spurred the creation of our two current social groups: Book Club, and The Monthly Mixer, and 1 exercise group Cardio Drumming We believe this is just the start of the social event opportunities and hope that this programming can expand even further in the future. Good support networks and social connections have many positive wellness benefits.


Spectrum is in the process of developing our flagship training program Alphabet Soup, this will be a training program focused on building allyship in our community and we hope to focus on getting into the school system, with curriculums built out for elementary, middle and high school students and teachers. We are very excited about the impact this program will have in our city and county schools, as well community at large. More details to be released June 2020.

Current Programming